Am I Next? Crescent Bank relocating call center to Dallas, Texas.

New Orleans, Louisiana-based New Orleans-based Crescent Bank and Trust, specializing in providing auto loans to consumers across 32 states, is continuing its restructuring plan to consolidate loan origination and operations under one roof in Louisiana, and then move operations to Dallas Texas. The move is scheduled for early 2020.

According to the company, it will be shuttering its Chesapeake, Virginia call center and shifting 180 positions to Dallas, Texas. As part of the transition 30 additional jobs, including 10 IT positions, will also move to Dallas to support call center operations.

According to Crescent’s Chairman and CEO, Gary Solomon, Sr., “We sincerely believe that having all loan servicing employees under one roof and reporting to one leader is essential to our long-term success. We are confident that it’s the best place for many reasons, including being an area that has a high density of experienced resources due to several major competitors in the subprime auto industry being in the area.

In addition to the re-locations, the company has an ongoing telecommuting business where loan origination employees work at car dealerships or from home to further minimize corporate overhead and real estate requirements.

Change is coming. There will always be a tomorrow, no matter how much you may try to ignore it. There are no guarantees in life or promises for a bright future. Just because something bad hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it won't. It can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. No one is guaranteed to wake up tomorrow and still have a job by evening. Are you now wondering, Am I Next?